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Welcome to the T.G.I.F. post for Simple Man Politics my friends and faithful readers. Today we are going to talk about something that has been causing quite a stir and not a little controversy as well in the past couple of weeks. Todays topic of conversation is Obamas expected commencement speech at Notre Dame this Sunday May 17th 2009.

While Obama has recently given commencement speech’s at a couple of universities lately the most recent being ASU (Arizona State University) the big difference between ASU and Notre Dame is that ASU is a secular university while Notre Dame is a theological university. This is where Obamas visit becomes a problem especially for those who attend and work at Notre Dame.

Here is the reason that this makes the Obama commencement speech such a bitterly opposed event. Since Notre Dame is a theological university and a part of the Roman Catholic Church. As a result Notre Dame is obviously a Pro Life advocate rather than Pro Choice, teaching that human life begins at conception and thus is a sacred living person and soul at that point.

Obama is obviously a Pro Choice advocate, which automatically puts his belief system opposite of the Roman Catholic doctrine. He has also recently implemented a couple of policies that are in direct contradiction to the Pro Life point of view. The most perceived direct assault to the Pro Life movement is the implementation of funding overseas for organizations who promote abortion as a family planning alternative.

Because of these to totally opposite points of view there is a lot of anger and frustration from students, faculty, alumni as well as the rank and file of the Catholic Church at the invitation from the President of the University of Notre Dame to President Barack Obama to make the commencement speech. These same people are also opposed to the honorary law degree for Obama from the university saying it honors an individual who does not honor the Catholic ideal.

Unfortunately this commencement speech event has also caused a rift in the Catholic Church also. Many of the more moderate Catholics will say that to have a US President give the commencement speech at Notre Dame will only add more prestige to an already very prestigious university. These moderates within the church will also say that by having someone like Obama with his beliefs visit the campus will help to promote greater understanding with his kind and the church faithful.

I will tell you all that I was baptized in the Catholic Church however I am what one would call a lapsed catholic. I cannot even remember the last time I attended a mass. I will also tell you all that I have my own ideas about what this invitation to Obama is all about. I think it is all about the money for the President of Notre Dame and his administration. Money is tight and federal funds are usually free.

I also think that even with Obamas speech at Notre Dame that the core principles and teachings of the university will not be corrupted. I do find it a shame however that the Laetare Medal will not be awarded at this commencement this year to Mary Ann Glendon who declined the honor. I also believe that both sides of this issue have to right to protest either side of this issue as well. Organized public protest and debate are rights we as a democratic society enjoy under the 1st amendment.

Whatever side of this argument you might fall on I only hope that you and I both pray for a peaceful day this Sunday. There is enough hate, discontent, and hostility going around elsewhere and it is not needed at Notre Dame on the day the next new crop of bright young minds enter the real world to try to make their dreams come true. I wish them all good luck, Gods speed, and Gods blessings in their new lives.

That is all I have for you all today but I will see you all again on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend my friends and CIAO4NOW!!!!!

P.S. The Video is from check it out.


I can definitely see why this has caused such a controversy. Personally I hope no one shows up, since I believe this would make a great statement and let Obama know where he really stands.

However, I really doubt this is going to happen. I don't think there should be hate shown on Sunday, but people should stand up for what they believe in!

May 15, 2009 at 10:52 PM  

As a pro-choice (in extreme circumstances only) and anti-Obama person, this topic is a tough one for me. The one thing I do know I believe in is our rights as Americans. And this even encompasses our Commander-in-Grief. His views should not prevent him from addressing a crowd at such a prestigious college as Notre Dame. And I am surprised at the people on the religious side of the topic to. Since when has it been acceptable to condemn someone for their beliefs? Seems to me this is what got their savior crucified.
I don't necessarily agree with the views of either party on abortion or whether he should speak there. I think that Notre Dame is a great school with a very good ethical background. But I do not agree with how harshly people have reacted to his invitation. Love thy neighbor. Even when that neighbor is the President of this country and has made choices you don't agree with. Look closer to home and I bet you can see a lot more people that have made a lot of choices you don't agree with.

May 16, 2009 at 10:36 PM  

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