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WOW I’m here to tell ya them people on the left coast always seem to find a way surprise me. Usually they just surprise me with the amount of excess air contained inside their heads where the grey matter should be, but this time they surprised me in a way that can only be described as being conservatively fiscally responsible. In California who woulda thunk it huh?????

This past Tuesday the Governator of California Arnold Schwarzenegger put six ballot measures up for a vote that would have increased taxes in the state of California for more than 16 billion dollars in tax increases on an already overtaxed citizenry. Apparently California tax payers had had enough and shot all but one ballot measure down sending a message to Sacramento that it is time for their state government to do their jobs without placing more financial burdens upon the people.

Of course the very next day Arnold was in D.C. meeting with the Obama crime family and I can just guess what that meeting was about. Schwarzenegger was there to ask Obama to bail out the state of California, can you believe that. Since he can no longer tax his own state residents to death he wants the American tax payer to shoulder the burden of the 6th largest economy in the world, which by the way is in to toilet. I wonder how the hell that happened and why it should fall on the American people because his state mismanaged itself for decades.

Don’t get me wrong I love California and I was born there in beautiful San Diego and lived there till I was 17. The sun, the beaches, the waves, the Betties, convertibles, and bon fire’s every weekend man it is the California dream. I continue to go back there as often as possible to stay in touch with friends and family that I still have there to, but all of that doesn’t make me feel responsible for what happened to the states economy and I don’t think that the rest of our nation is responsible for it either, it’s a California problem and they should fix it themselves.

My family in the California are die hard dyed in the wool Democrats and some of my more colorful friends are as well, and with the exception of one person whom I know that voted for all six ballot measures purely because the Democratic Party in her district wanted the measures passed but all the rest of them whom I know voted the ballot measures down. They all also told me that it was because of the tea parties, which were right on the money about excessive taxation and an insanely increased national debt created by the very man that they voted into the White House.

I am willing to bet you all that Obama will ultimately bail out the state of California if for no other reason than to keep the state employed union workers employed and empowered in order to support himself and his next set of radical agendas in his 2012 run for the White House. The sad part about that is that is just more debt heaped on the nation when we are already struggling under a massive amount of debt in this current weakened economy compliments of the Obamanator.

That’s it for today my friends, I hope you all have a great day, and I will be back again tomorrow CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Well you know Tim if one thing has been proven scientifically it is the fact that even the most simple minded people will ultimately evolve intelligently. It is either that or they finally got tired of being kicked around like dogs.

May 22, 2009 at 4:05 PM  

Real common sense would be to let California file for bankruptcy reorganize and get out from under the unions, but libs will be libs so not likely to show that much common sense.

May 22, 2009 at 6:27 PM  

I have an idea. Let's annex California. They are basically and extension of Mexico anyway. lol

May 22, 2009 at 8:52 PM  

There is NO way we should be bailing out the state of California. C'mon're the terminator...surely you can be a hero and save the day.

It's ridiculous that everyone thinks they need a bailout. The stupid thing is that Obama will give everyone a bailout except the hard working American people.

Great for the citizens of Cali that went ahead and voted those taxes down.

May 22, 2009 at 8:54 PM  

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