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Welcome to the Tuesday edition of Simple Man Politics. I think from now on I am going to make Tuesday “Tim’s Targets Tuesdays”. I think I need to do this at least once a week because I can always find some political idiot out there who will qualify for the title. It just so happens that I happen to have a particular target picked out for todays post to and todays target is none other than our un-esteemed Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

This thing that is loosely referred to as a lady was a thorn in the side of former President George W, Bush and now serves at the behest and probable displeasure of our current Commander in Grief Barack Obama. Even though I am sure he likes the fact that this witch supports all of his wacko socialist policies and programs he probably can’t stand her and her trouble making ways. My god the only differences between Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are anatomy and the fact that Joe actually believes what he says.

Now in addition to her ramming her poison agenda down the throats of the American tax payers she has also managed to put her hoofs in her horses’ mouth. You may ask well how did this happen and I will tell you. Quite simply she lied and not once or twice but over and over and over again about what she knew about enhanced interrogation techniques. Not only that but she blamed anyone she could think of that she thought wouldn’t defend themselves, while never once taking responsibility for what she really did know.

After the original memos on these techniques were released by the White House she attacked the CIA for not only knowing about and using the techniques but for not informing her they were used as well and the CIA proved that wrong. Then she said she had been briefed once that they might be used, but not that they were in use. The CIA promptly released memos showing she was at the briefings that were given on the usage of the techniques and the results and was rebuffed by the current Director of CIA Leon Panetta.

As a result of all of this she then said she blamed the Bush administration and its lawyers not CIA for any deception and got a face full of former Vice President Dick Cheney for that statement. In addition to having had to endure being rebuffed by Leon Panetta and Dick Cheney she has since been proven a liar by others who were in the same meetings with her. What she should have done was apologize and keep her B.S. dispenser shut but she just seems to like being knee deep in her own cesspool of controversy.

I really hope for the sake of the American people both in her district in California and nationally that she is so discredited and humiliated that she loses the Speakership of the House of Representatives and ultimately her congressional seat in 2010. Unfortunately for the American people shit really does float to the top and this piece has too much buoyancy.

That is all of my rant for today and I hope I got it all off of my chest for now with her. However I am sure she will do something else very soon to deserve my ire again. I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday my friends CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Lets hope that her constituents will vote her out of office. However, knowing some of the loons in California, they just might keep her.

May 19, 2009 at 6:08 PM  

This woman is such a crook and a liar that her shadow can't even stand up straight.

May 21, 2009 at 11:57 AM  

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