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Look you guys it is true that Thursday's Supreme Court decision will allow Corporations to directly finance their candidates now. However it is also true that organizations such as the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO will be able to do the same. Besides as a friend of mine pointed out campaign contributions are public record, so it is easy to see who an organization supports financially.

As for the Democratic Party being the new socialists I don't believe that to be true of all Democrats, but only those who consider themselves to be "Progressives". As for lumping all conservatives together with the Republican Party I find that to be distasteful. Not all Republicans are conservatives although they might claim to be, and as an example I will use Arlen Specter who has since showed his true colors.

I for one am a Conservative who has no political party affiliation, and I would take offense to being categorized as a Republican. However if you wish to categorize me where my political beliefs are concerned, I would rather be in the category of a PATRIOTIC, RED, WHITE, and BLUE, natural born American citizen. I think that is much better than Islamic, un-naturalized, foreign citizen like someone we all know.

That is all I have to rant about today here at Simple Man Politics, but I am sure I will find something to rant about next week, so I will see you all then. I hope you all have a great evening my friends, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Interesting post. I too agree that not all republicans are conservatives. There are too many examples to even start naming them. lol

January 26, 2010 at 1:58 PM  

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