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Welcome back to Simple Man Politics and the first post of the year here as well. I know I have not written much here in the past few months and I have had my reasons. One of those reasons is that I got tired of writing about the healthcare disaster that is working its way through the congress right now. Unfortunately I find myself having to write about it again because of some recent information that has come to light.

I am obviously not a big fan of this healthcare plan that Obama and his cronies in both houses of congress are pushing, and I have been very critical and vocal about that. Don’t worry though my friends I am still very much against government run socialized healthcare, but not for just the same reasons as before, because I have found a couple more reasons to add to the long list of reasons that I oppose the healthcare plan now.

I originally opposed Obamacare because it would cost the taxpayers almost 2.5 trillion dollars over the next ten years. Another reason I opposed this healthcare bill is because of the taxes that would have landed squarely on the shoulders of an already over-burdened middleclass. I also found distasteful the idea of government henchmen coming between me and my doctor. I don’t need uncle Obama’s help to make these decisions.

In addition to the reasons I have already stated regarding my opposition to government run healthcare I can now add these reasons as well. The first new reason is Democratic Party corruption involving payoffs to certain state senators with healthcare funds and exemptions for their states from federal taxes while other states will have to pay those taxes but those of the exempted states as also. For example Nebraska and Senator Ben Nelson come to mind.

The second new reason for me opposing Obamacare is the apparent deal that the White House and the labor unions struck earlier this week. It seems that the unions will be exempted from the proposed Cadillac Policy Tax that everyone else will have to pay that has this type of insurance. Likewise Congress will not have to pay the Cadillac Tax either, but then again they have never paid for their Cadillac plan the tax payer has.

It appears to me that if you supported Obama and the Democrats in the 2008 election you get exempted from any financial responsibility at least until 2017 in the case of the labor unions. Unfortunately what this also means is the middle class, small business, and any other group who had opposed Obama during his election is going to pay in order to support the payoffs to Obama’s allies and thugs.

Last but not least I have a problem with yet another promise that our Commander-in-Grief made to the American people and that was a promise of politics unusual rather than as usual. I must admit here today that he has kept this promise although it seems to bode ill rather than well for us the American people. Politics in Washington D.C. is definitely different today from the last administration. Now-a-days politics in Washington is all dishonest and secretive with no attempt at transparency

That is all for now my friends, but I will be back again very soon. I suddenly feel the need to go wash my hands at least and, maybe even get a shower to wash off the stench that this criminal, unconstitutional, backroom thuggery has left on me while I was writing about it. I hope you all have a fantastic day and weekend and I will see you all sometime next week I hope. I also hope you like the video at the bottom of this post, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Love the video lol! I agree - it's not enough that we, the taxpayers, will pay trillions for this health care the oh so precious unions are getting a cushy deal out of it too. It sickens me!

January 16, 2010 at 6:33 PM  

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