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For the first time in 32 years a senate seat in Massachusetts goes red for republican candidate Scott Brown. The senate seat that Scott Brown defeated democrat Martha Coakley for wasn’t just any seat either it was the late Ted Kennedy’s senate seat. I guess Scott Brown was right when he declared the senate seat the peoples seat rather than Ted’s seat, because the people sat Brown down in that seat in less than a day.

As we all know while the republicans celebrate their victory in one of the bluest/liberal states in the union the democrats are in full point the finger mode today. You have democrats in both houses of congress pointing the finger at both Coakley and the White House. Meanwhile the White House is saying that Coakley ran a shoddy campaign, while Coakley accuses the White House of not doing enough to get her elected.

In the end it I don’t think it really matters whether the White House, Obama, or Coakley were responsible for that stunning defeat for the senate seat yesterday. I think what was responsible for the loss was the fact that the radical and dangerous policies of the current administration were soundly rebuffed by the people of Massachusetts as both ineffective and too expensive. I also think that this should be a wake up call for both parties.

While it might appear that the democrats who control both houses of congress as well as the White House are the ones in trouble right now that can change fast. I believe that the peoples ire can and will turn on either party or politician who attempts to do anything that appears to both lose more jobs or result in higher taxes. Unfortunately I don’t believe that the American voters are quite finished with the democratic party just yet.

I personally believe that the fallout from the Obama' agenda has not yet ended. I think that people like senate majority leader Harry Reid, congressman Barney Frank, and maybe even house speaker Nancy Pelosi may be in jeopardy of losing their seats in the 2010 mid term elections in November. I would have thought the same thing about senator Chris Dodd, but he is wisely not seeking reelection. I personally hope that I am right about this.

I wonder how the healthcare bill is going to fare now with the 41st vote against it being elected last night. There are still a couple things that the democrats might do to try to pass a bill before Brown is seated. However I don’t think it will happen because so many democrats are now going into CMA mode after last night. I some how don’t think that the cap and trade bill is going anywhere now as well.

That is all for now from Simple Man Politics my friends, but I will be back again with more politics as soon as something else new happens, or you request that I write about a particular topic. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and a terrific week, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Great post Tim. I was so happy that Brown won that seat, and I definitely hope that this is just a glimpse of things to come this November.

I think Obama needs to start thinking about what the American people want. Apparently they do NOT like or want his policies, which this election so clearly showed the entire country.

Hopefully REAL change is coming, and I don't think it has one thing to do with Obama.

January 20, 2010 at 3:48 PM  

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