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Welcome back to Simple Man Politics and the first/late post of the week. Tonight I am going to talk about the Obama event at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in the Valley of the Sun. (Phoenix AZ) The reason I am going to talk about this is that something very unique happened there this past Monday. Apparently there were some law abiding citizens exercising their 2nd amendment rights at the event.

The idea that someone would come to a presidential event armed has gotten both sides of the gun issue up in arms if you will please pardon the pun. Gun rights advocates are in complete support of these citizens carrying guns at the event, while gun control advocates are beside themselves with anger that anyone not law enforcement or secret service would carry a gun so near to the president.

First off Arizona is a right to carry state, which means that if you can legally own a gun you may carry the weapon on your person as long as it is not concealed. This is in fact what approximately fifteen or so individuals were doing at the time of Obamas speech to the VFW convention. It has also been noted that during the entire3 event there was not one single instance of any trouble from those carrying guns.

However those folks who are opposed to gun rights such as conceal carry permit holders, private assault weapons ownership, or even private gun ownership period freaked out at the idea of a anyone carrying a gun anywhere near President Obama. They said that those people carrying guns were a distraction to those law enforcement officers and secret service personnel who were tasked to secure the event and the area.

It also appears that several law enforcement officers and at least on secret service agent were interviewed by news media outlets. The general consensus from those interviewed in the law enforcement community was that there were no problems from those carrying guns. The secret service spokesman also stated that the secret service was never distracted by this, and that those carrying guns would never have been allowed inside the venue.

The only thing that I even found remotely disturbing was that one man was not only carrying a gun on his hip, but was also in possession of an assault type rifle, which he also carried in the open strapped to his back. He said he was doing so to make a political statement about the governments wish to take away gun rights. However since it was legal for him to carry the rifle and he caused no trouble I can’t say anything against this man.

I will leave those of you who read this one particular thought about guns being carried at this event and the possibility it could happen again at another event as well. The thought is that while there were people openly carrying guns at the event; just imagine how many might have legally been carrying concealed guns at the event as well. It just goes to show you that those who legally own guns appear to be very responsible people.

That is all we have for you all today here at Simple Man Politics. I hope you all have enjoyed this evening’s blog and I will see you all again very soon. Have a great evening my friends and CIAO4NOW!!!!!


This was definitely an interesting piece of news that I followed as well. I really thought that this demonstration said something important, although I wasn't real sure that an assault rifle needed to show up.

Oh well. Nothing happened, and I think it spoke out showing that people with guns aren't dangerous. It's the ones that have them when they're not supposed to that are the problem, and no gun laws are going to stop them anyway.

Great post!

August 20, 2009 at 3:18 PM  

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