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T Minus 24 Hours And Counting

Here we are folks it’s the last day before the most important election that I can remember in my lifetime. I have been watching all of the coverage that I can on the Presidential election and on the house and senate races to. I have been doing that this weekend instead of spending all my time with my family, although I must tell you that my significant other is politically motivated also. Fortunately the one thing we don’t have to do is vote because we already voted by absentee ballot in the battleground state of Florida. The reason I have been watching, listening, and reading all of the stuff that I can on the elections is so that I can give all of you an accurate representation of what is happening in the races. There are a few things that I have found out in the last few days that make me feel like I made the right decision with my vote, and I voted for John McCain.

I found out that Barack Obama is really a redistributionist. He believes in it so fervently that he would have the US Supreme Court pursue that agenda aggressively and would appoint Supreme Court Justices that would promote that ideal from the bench. He would put these Justices in there and have them interpret redistribution as if it were the law of the land. In other words legislate from the bench. He would further strengthen these Justices position by an amendment to the US constitution.

Another thing I found out about Barack Obama’s position has to do with the coal industry. I found out that he would go out of his way to bankrupt the coal industry. He said that in his own words in an interview with a prominent San Francisco newspaper. In the same interview he also said that unfortunately our electric bills would go way up. He said this in this interview as if it doesn’t really matter to him one bit. He even went on further in the interview to say that although the industry would try to build more coal powered plants that the very effort by these companies to do so would destroy them financially, so much for creating more jobs. If I lived in Pennsylvania or Ohio or any state where industry relies on coal power technology I would be wary of this guy as President.

This week I have heard from Obama’s surrogates that his idea of wealthy has gone down from 250 thousand dollars a year to 150 thousand dollars a year and only those making less will get a tax break. With this knowledge I find it hard to believe that 95% of the middle class will get the tax break. As far as that number goes it isn’t true anyway because over 40% of those people classified as middle class pay no taxes anyway after they take the child tax credit and other tax credits that are out there. This is all part of Obama’s redistributionist policy because it isn’t a tax break he wants to give us it is a check from the government where the funds are supplied by those who earned the money he wants to take. Another reason for this is so that he can basically pay reparations to the black American community for past wrongs visited upon them by the US. As if their own people aren’t the ones responsible for slavery in the first place.

I will be honest with you John McCain was not my first choice for President. I really wanted Mike Huckabee to win the Republican Party nomination. The two things that helped me decide to support John McCain was the fact that I didn’t know much if anything about Barack Obama and what I did know I didn’t agree with and the other was John McCain’s choice for his VP running mate Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin and her family are the very middle class people that this election is supposed to be about. How many other moms out there can relate to her? She is a successful business owner as well as a successful politician. She has raised her children and still is raising them even with running businesses, towns, a state, and now running for Vice President. She is an awesome person.

The last thing I want to mention here is the subject of polls. I know all the polls out there say that Barack Obama is winning the race. According to the numbers it would appear to be true to. That does not mean that the election is over so you should just stay home. I have discussed this with a lot of my friends and associates and I will tell you what I do know about polls. Almost every election at the end of it all the polls were wrong so I never pay attention to any of them but one. The only poll that ever counts is the poll all voters will participate in on November 4th, 2008. That’s the election where every one is counted.

I will not be posting on Tuesday but I will be back on Wednesday with a post on the election and its results. I hope you all have taken what I have said in my posts and have used it in your decision when you cast your ballots tomorrow. Whether you vote for McCain or Obama like I always say get out there and vote it is your constitutional right and your obligation to your nations well being. If you don’t vote then don’t complain about the results if you are not happy with them. Have a great day CIAO4NOW!!!!!


It really is amazing that with all of the evidence mounting up against Obama and his policies, that anyone with any intelligence or at least a conscience would vote for this guy. Besides I thought you had to be a natural born citizen to run for and be elected President. Great blog Tim, I look forward to reading your Wednesday post. GO Mccain!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 3, 2008 at 2:48 PM  

Here we are at the end, and soon we'll know how it all went. I hope that Americans will see beyond the excellent orator and see the truth behind all the empty words that Obama has been spouting off all this time.

Throughout the election period this blog has helped to inform and explain important issues. Now it's time for readers to do their part. Get out to vote people!!!!!!! Remember, the future of your country really does lie in your hands...use it wisely.

November 4, 2008 at 1:02 AM  

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