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I know that over the past twelve months things have been really tough on the tax paying citizens of this country. I also know what sucks the most about this is that it isn’t the average regular Joe’s fault. The truth of the matter is that it was bad regulation and corruption by key committee chairs in both houses of congress that started it, then corporate and organized labor greed that cemented the damage to our country.

As regular folks we all get up every morning put breakfast on the table, get the kids off to school, and get ourselves to work. We all do this with thoughts like how do I pay the electric bill or phone bill on time, or how do I make enough money to pay the expensive premiums for the insurance on my car, health, and home. In the meantime the job market is getting tighter and more demanding on us regular folk we also have to worry about losing our jobs because of downsizing, outsourcing, or going out of business.

Not one of us here who lives on Main Street ever thought of ways to get more money from lobbyists, big business donations to our re-election campaigns, or payoffs that could buy our votes, However that is how our government appears to operate. Our elected officials also seem to operate under the illusion that we work for them and not vice versa. I have to ask you just how absurd or obtuse does this sound to you the tax payer?

In addition to their obvious arrogance and I’m above the law for regular folks attitude. They also actually feel that they are entitled to the best healthcare our money can buy. Tax payer funded junkets around the world so they can go shopping. The politicians also expect blind obedience from us the masses because they actually believe that they are better than us.

Add to this disgusting mix of corruption and greed their attempts to insert more government into our lives and we that people are in serious trouble. They want to control our healthcare, which is one sixth of our economy. Tax us to death under Cap and Trade using the global warming lie as an excuse to do us in, while people like Al Gore get rich under this scheme. Not to mention take god out of the equation and relieve us of our rights to bear arms thereby giving up all of our other rights.

I am here to tell you that I fervently hope we vote out at least the worst parasites in both houses of congress in the 2010 mid-term elections. I am not limiting that statement to just the leeches on the left like Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and Dodd, but those on the right like McCain and the other RINO”S too. Maybe then we can get rid of Obama in 2012 and have a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.

That is all for today on Simple Man Politics. Of course this particular post is an opinion piece on my opinion, but the evidence shows what I say to be true, so I said it. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and that you enjoy this post. I also hope that you will exercise your right to vote, because voting is our main weapon for keeping our government under control. CIAO4NOW my friends!!!!!


It may be an opinion piece, but I've gotta tell ya - I share that opinion!!!

September 30, 2009 at 10:36 PM  

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