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It was just eight years ago today that the fabric of our nation was torn by an act of cowardice so indescribable, that it could have only been motivated by a religion of blind hatred. I am talking about the cowardly attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. There is also United Flight 93, which ended in a field in Shanksville PA, when the passengers finally took action against the swine that hoped to attack the White House.

I have been thinking a lot about what I can say about this tragedy today that hasn’t already been said in the last eight years, and I have come up with exactly bupkiss. Since this tragedy there have been countless memorials, tributes, speeches, and just plain old conversation and in that time it has all been said. All I can tell you from my point of view is don’t forget. Those who do forget their history will be doomed to repeat it.

Of course there are those out there that would like nothing better than for us to forget what happened on that September day. The shock for me is that they are not all on foreign soil, because they are right here at home as well. Some of them believe that the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy. Others in our country just want it to go away as if it had never happened, because Muslims feel disrespected that we don’t forget about 9/11.

Then there is of course our fearless leader President Barack Hussein Obama. Obama just signed into law a measure this past April that has designated September 11th a National Day of Service. I am not sure exactly what that means, but there are those out there who believe this is an attempt to drain away the meaning of this day from the American people.

The logic that seems to be promoting this theory is that the progressive, socialist, radical elements of the extreme left fear this day. They fear 9/11 because it supposedly gives the conservative right Republican Party an advantage over the Liberal left Democratic Party. Their theory being that it allows Republicans to become activists against the Democrats efforts to negotiate with the very terrorists who are responsible for 9/11.

I don’t see how anyone can say that the tragedy we as a nation suffered on 9/11 with the loss of more than 3000 deaths can give anyone an edge. The truth is that we had lost our edge on national defense and that is why the attacks were successful. The only people with a geo political agenda that thought they had benefited were the terrorists, but they found out really fast that they were wrong.

Since that dreadful day and in no small part due to the efforts of then President George Walker, Bush and his government we have regained the upper hand. For the record since that dreadful day there has been no successful attempt to attack us inside our own borders as well. Unfortunately I feel that we may lose the hard won edge that we have fought to regain since the supreme apologist and his cohorts have taken power.

However as for myself September 11th will always be a day for me to remember what was done to our nation and our people. September 11th will also serve as a reminder to me of what we should do to any person or group who dares to attack us again, and that is kill them all and let GOD sort them out later. We should show them no mercy and take no prisoners, just waterboard, torture, and then kill the lot of them.

I hope you all have a great and awesome September 11th, and remember to never forget. I will see you all next week my friends, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Great blog ~ we definitely can't afford to forget and we should hunt down those who attacked our country!!!

September 11, 2009 at 9:12 AM  

I still know exactly where I was standing when I heard about the attacks on the World Trade Center. I think that was the "defining moment", the one thing that will be talked about for this generation. To hear people talking about "getting an edge" from 9/11 makes me SICK. That is despicable. That day should be one for the American people to look on and gather strength and resolve to carry on, to fight those responsible, and to remember those who have fallen. I am not afraid to say that I don't agree with our government on a lot of things. And I'm also not afraid to say I'm an American and if you don't like that, you can kiss my red, white, and blue ass.

September 25, 2009 at 2:12 AM  

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