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As you all know I for the most part consider myself to be a pretty conservative person. However there are a couple of things that I really take a more moderate to liberal view on and today’s subject is on of those things. You see today’s subject is the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes as well as the idea of marijuana legalization for general use.

This subject has been very hard fought by those for and against marijuana legalization for decades. I can understand why some would not want marijuana legalized, but by the same token I can understand why others would want to legalize it also.

I believe that the important question on the matter is whether or not it would be moral or immoral to legalize marijuana at all. I think I can shed a little light on that subject although by the end of this blog you will see that my opinion is a little bit biased.

Opposition to legalization:
Opponents of any legislation to legalize marijuana have a couple of reasons why they oppose legalization. One reason that they have is that marijuana is already an illegal drug and therefore should not be legalized.

Another reason for their opposition is that they believe that marijuana is not only addictive, but will lead to the use of harder and more dangerous drugs subsequently leading to addiction to those as well.

Their last reason for opposing marijuana legalization is that with all of the things out there currently for public consumption like alcohol and tobacco why do we need one more thing that might be considered a health risk.

Proponents of legalization:
Those that favor legalizing marijuana have a couple of arguments of their own. One of these arguments is that certain people with medical problems can use Marijuana to alleviate pain for things like cancer and glaucoma. They favor at least legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes.

Others who are also on the side of legalizing marijuana point to the fact that more criminal acts are committed by people under the influence of alcohol than on marijuana. They point to crimes like vehicular homicide, or manslaughter, murder, and domestic violence. They say that you never hear of anyone smoking a joint then beating on their wife and kids, or robbing a liquor store.

Supporters of legislation to legalize marijuana will also tell us that marijuana is not an addictive substance. They also point out that there is no scientific evidence to support marijuana as an addictive substance or that it leads to the usage of harder narcotic substances and addiction to them either.

Currently the state of California is considering legalizing, harvesting, and taxing marijuana for public use in their state. The reason for this is that the State of California as of right now has a budget deficit of more than 48 Billion dollars. They also point to a Department of Agriculture report showing that marijuana is the states largest cash crop bringing in more than citrus, which is the states 2nd largest cash crop and is responsible for about 7 Billion dollars of revenue to California. Marijuana production in California has been estimated to bring in as much as 20 Billion dollars a year and that may be a conservative estimate.

As far as I am concerned I lean more towards the legalization of marijuana than not. I believe that it should be legalized for medicinal purposes. I would further contend that the supporters of marijuana legalization are right and that it is not a harmful narcotic and should be legalized, produced, marketed, and taxed for public consumption. I am sure that there are those of you out there with opinions that differ from mine, but it is how I feel.

That is all I have for you guys today, but I will be back again tomorrow. Have a terrific day, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Whooaa at this...thought i would never live the day Mary Jane became fought this issue with my dad alot..he believed the use of MJ...was bull!
Well i for one have smoked it for many years..i have been quit going on about 2 yrs..but i will stand my ground and vote YES legalize it.. But I wonder what will they do with the people in jail for selling it??? thanks Tim ..

March 17, 2009 at 4:00 PM  

As someone who suffers from a serious disease, I definitely think that marijuana should at least be legalized for medical purposes. It is showing some great ways that it can help people who deal with pain.

Also, I do agree with you that there are not bad side effects that come with this "herb." Yes, it is an "herb" not a drug. Perhaps it's time to make it legal. We'd solve a lot of problems that way.

March 17, 2009 at 4:05 PM  

There are so many uses for this little herb and it has been used by many cultures including our own native American Indians for it's curative abilities. You would think that we would have learned by now that some natural remedies are better for you than pharmaceuticals.

March 17, 2009 at 11:56 PM  

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