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Hello my friends and welcome to another installment of Simple Man Politics. Today’s topic is one I have had an opinion on for sometime, but of course I always do have an opinion on what I write about, so I guess that isn’t really news. However today’s topic is about news or more to the point newspapers and the idea that they need government bail outs to. As you are all aware of by now I have not favored bail outs for any businesses, so my opinion on newspaper bail outs will be no different.

It doesn’t matter to me whether your business is banking, insurance, investments, autos, news papers, or anyone for that matter. A free market capitalist economy/society has always had a survival of the fittest mentality, which means that the weak die and the strong survive. This philosophy is what ultimately makes a nations economy stronger. Unfortunately in this new age of entitlement that we are now suffering through, every hog is fighting for their place at the tax payer trough.

Now don’t get me wrong I used to enjoy reading the newspaper. When I was a kid I couldn’t wait for the Sunday paper to be delivered so I could read the comics. As a teen I added the sports page to my list of required reading from my local paper. When I became an adult my morning coffee and paper was a ritual that I was loathe to forgo, needing my information fix on local, state, and national news.

But as we all know times change. First with the advent of cable and ultimately the creation of the 24 hour news cycle it became possible for me to catch up on the news at the push of a button becoming my morning ritual of coffee and cable, instead of coffee and paper. With the creation of the internet and all of its resources it finally took the place of cable and coffee and became computer and coffee.

The great thing about all of this is that it has all happened in my lifetime, and I have welcomed the technology age with open arms, and so was delivered out of the dark ages and into the light. All of this has become possible because we had a growing economy willing to take advantage of cutting edge technology that has kept America at the forefront of the world economically, and eventually led to us being the sole remaining global superpower in the world.

In addition to all of that I have another reason for not wanting to see any newspapers getting government bailouts. The reason newspapers exist in the first place is to keep an eye on our government as well as the world to keep us informed. Unfortunately it has been proven that the newspapers are not looking out for us regular Joes anymore. Newspapers now have their own political agenda’s that they promote and are anything but fair and balanced in their reporting.

I personally don’t care whether a publication is left wing or right wing; they should not be picking sides in political fights. Their job is and should be reporting the news factually and accurately, without bias or prejudice. This rarely happens anymore and to the detriment of society I might add. Bailouts might make these newspapers supplicate themselves to the government making them unable to defend us against those they are supposed to be watching, the government.

I pay my bills, feed my family, put a roof over their heads, and clothes on their backs. Whether I am right or wrong we survive by the decisions I make every day, if I am right we swim, and if I am wrong we sink. There is no government program out there that is going to bail me out if I get in a little trouble. Sure there is unemployment and food stamp’s, but how long can you be a productive member of society on those pittances. So I say no government bailouts for me no government bailouts for anybody. My tax dollars should be working for me not big business, or Barack Obama and company.

That is all I have to rant about for today, but as usual I am sure I will find something else tomorrow. Have a marvelous Monday all, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Great post.

I agree with you that the government should not be bailing out newspapers. The press is supposed to be unbiased (cough cough) and they should not be in the "back pocket" of the government. This would be yet another step in the direction of a socialist country.

As a writer, I have mixed emotions. I'd hate to see newspapers totally die out. However, there are plenty of online publications out there today to provide work to writers.

If they can't stand on their own...let them die. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. LOL.

March 30, 2009 at 5:06 PM  

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