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No Apologies Necessary.....

Well damn we are back to this whole slavery thing again. Apparently the US Senate passed a resolution calling on the US to apologize for enslaving and segregating black people. They also want everyone to recognize the injustice, brutality, and inhumanity of the Jim Crow laws and slavery.

I think that over the last 160 years approximately we have bent over backwards to apologize to the black community and make them feel like equals in this country. I really don’t think that they need another apology or even any reparations now or in the future. We are not the root cause of their slavery in this country in the first place.

If you really want to know who is responsible for the enslavement of the black people here in our country, then you need only look to the black peoples own kind on their own continent. Their own people sold into slavery the people that they defeated in war. They are responsible for creating the slave trade to the United States ands around the world as well.

The way I see it however is that those black people who came here in the bellies of those slave ships did not have it as bad as other people who were already here. Hell back in the time of slavery in the US we almost wiped out an entire race of people. You might know them as Native Americans or Indians. Back in those days they used to say that the only good Indians were dead Indians.

I swear to god for almost my whole life I have had to hear from black activists like the Black Panthers and Malcolm X who founded the Nation of Islam and others of their ilk that the poor black man was oppressed and abused by the white people. At least they had some value compared to the Native Americans of that time. I just wish that these people would grow up, get over it, and get on with their lives.

There is no one out there who says they can’t be anything they want to be. All they have to do is go to school, work hard, and obey the law then anything is possible for them to achieve. The next time they decide to whine about the plight of the black people they should look at the Native Americans then they will realize that they didn’t have it as bad as some others here.

While I may agree with the majority of our population that slavery was wrong, inhumane, and brutal to many I am not responsible for anyone’s enslavement. As far as that goes you can’t lay slavery at the foot of the south either, because there were slaves in the north as well. Anyone who says that the civil war was about slavery is stupid too.

The civil war was about a states right to secede from the Union. The south wanted to and the north didn’t want them to. While it is true that Lincoln freed the slaves he did as a way to do damage to the south’s economy so that they couldn’t produce goods to fight the war or purchase those goods.

As a consequence of all of this I will not be apologizing to the blacks for all that is related to slavery. Not only do I see no point in the resolution that the Senate passed I also don’t see the point in the disclaimer attached to it either. I will also not be offering any black person any reparations personally. The reason being that if they are American citizens with equal rights like any other American then, they don’t need any apologies or reparations.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you all later CIAO4NOW!!!!!


wow..i totally AGREE!

June 18, 2009 at 7:22 PM  

I have to agree with you. It does get old. After all, who goes back and apologizes to white people for things that have happened to them in the past.

It begins to get ridiculous after awhile. If they really want to go get someone for slavery and all that they went through, they should go back to Africa and have it out with people there. It was actually their own people who sold them out as slaves. So why don't they want apologies from their "African brothers?"

June 19, 2009 at 10:57 AM  

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