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The Ultimate Holocaust!!!!!

Last Friday Barack did exactly what we all expected him to do. He took a giant step towards moving our government in to a pro choice position. What Obama did was he lifted the ban on federal funding for international groups that promote or perform abortions. He did this just one day after the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v, Wade US Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.

Now this particular policy known as The Mexico City Policy was instituted by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. Both Bush 41 and Bush 43 supported the policy in their administrations while Bill Clinton chose to lift the ban during his administration. However it came as no surprise and was even expected that Obama would lift this ban as well.

The Mexico City Policy required groups, agencies, and organizations abroad to agree not to perform abortions or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations In order to receive federal funds. Also known as the “Global Gag Rule” it prohibits any tax payer funding for groups, agencies, or organizations that even bring up abortion if there is an unplanned pregnancy.

I personally think that it is outrageous that we as a nation would fund anyone in the abortion business abroad let alone here in the US. Obama has even stated at the Saddleback Church Q & A with Pastor Rick Warren that it was his intention to see the number of abortions performed here in the states decreased, yet now he is doing everything in his power to promote the genocidal agenda of abortion overseas. It will only be a matter of time before he makes a more concerted effort here. I thank god we have a US Supreme Court that will not allow it.

Since our birth as a nation we have seen mass murders, genocides, and holocausts committed by governments like the Japanese, the Germans, and the Serbians right up to today’s genocides in Rwanda and Darfur. We are talking about millions of people being exterminated simply because they are different or believe different from the people who have wiped them out. Yet more babies have been killed in the womb or by methods like partial birth abortion than all of those other people combined, simply because they were unwanted babies. Now if that is not genocide or a holocaust I don’t know what is.

Now I understand that the pro life/pro choice debate is a hotly contested and emotional issue for virtually everyone, but I cannot in good conscience allow this subject go unquestioned or without discussion. It is obvious where I stand on this issue, but I understand that each person needs to decide where they stand and what they believe a well. I just think that before you make up your mind where you stand on the funding as well as the larger issue of abortion itself, you should look at the facts and take some time to think about it seriously.

That is all I have to say for today except for one final thought. If you asked all the people who have fought, and died for this country’s survival, morals, and values what they fought for and died for. I wonder how many of these heroic warriors do you think would say that they fought for abortion rights to kill our own unborn babies. I bet not one of them from the revolutionary war to the conflicts now raging in the Middle East would say they did so for abortion rights, and that they would be angered and ashamed if that were even implied.

I hope I have not offended anyone as that was not my intent. I only want you all to think about some of the issues I write about, because they are important. They not only tell the world about who we are as individuals but as a nation also. Have a great day and I will see you all again very soon, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Well said. This was a great post! I heartily agree with you.

I definitely agree that if you talked to those who fought so bravely for the freedom of this country hundreds of years ago, they would be appalled that we now think that "freedom" included murdering unborn babies. I am sure this wasn't what they signed up for.

It definitely isn't what I signed up for. I'm ashamed of my country.

We run to other countries offering aid and fighting off armies that are killing their own people. What hypocrites we are....while we are trying to stop genocide in other countries around the world, we are the worst offenders...killing off our own kind.

January 26, 2009 at 2:41 PM  

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