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Thank God I'ts Friday!!!!!

Well folks, here it is Friday September 17th, 2008 and just 17 days to go till election day and I am happy to report to you that our economy is still working. We have the lowest unemployment rate in the world and its still the lowest unemployment rate this country has every seen thanks G.W. We are still winning the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Our health care system is still the best in the world, just ask the Canadians who come here to see our health care professionals when they need a real serious surgery. As for Social Security well it's still here for people who need it. All in all I would have to say that even though we have had some rough and tough times recently we are still ahead of the curve compared to the third world, which to me is almost everywhere else outside our national borders.

I'm sick and tired of hearing all these whiners with their woe is me attitudes and their sob stories. I can't believe the impending entitlement disaster that we seem hell bent on establishing in this country. The constitution guarantees each citizen the right life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, basically the American dream. However it does not guarantee everyone to a house, job, and free money. No one ever said life was fair or easy, but if you want the American dream then you have to go out there and earn it.

Now I obviously can't speak for everybody in this country, which I sometimes think is detrimental to my fellow Americans best interests, but I can at least speak to as many of them here that are fortunate enough to know about this blog. By now you are probably wondering what I'm getting at, well here it is. Under Barack Obama and the Democrats they not only want to raise taxes, and don't you for one minute believe that if you make less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars they wont raise your taxes, but they also want to take your tax dollars which you can ill afford to pay anyway, and give it to people who don't do a damn thing to earn a living. That's right they want you to support a bunch of no account, lazy, do nothing all day, lay around the house, and watch tv bums. All i have to say is welcome to the new Socialist Welfare States of America. Aren't you glad Barack gets his economic advice from two former CEO's of Fannie Mae. franklin Raines, and James Johnson obviously know a lot about stealing money from hard working people.

I hope you all realize that this is in addition to buying mortgages from banks for people that couldn't afford the friggin loans in the first place. Not to mention bailing out all these flippin banks who had no business making the loans cause it was bad business and bad for their investors, and now we have to make sure the bankers keep their jobs. In the mean time all of us, which is to say the average Americans who pay their bills on time, get little Johnny to school, work two or three jobs will have to foot the bill for all of it because according to Senator and VP elect Joe Biden it is patriotic to pay more taxes. THAT'S COW FLOP!!!!!

I'm not going to just point a finger and say it's all the Democrats fault although I personally believe it all began with Carter and his Community Reinvestment Act. Hell look at his Presidency, we had record unemployment, out of control gas prices, a failing market, and even American citizens held hostage in Iran. I could tell right away that this peanut farmer knew how to protect and run our country. Not to mention we have the fab four of idiots running things in the senate and the house in the forms of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank. By the way the last to idiots are responsible for regulating the financial industry and we all could see what a fantastic job they did.

George W, Bush hasn't had the greatest record in the last two years when it comes to our economy either, but then again the Democrats have been in power in the congress for the last two years. Under George W, Bush we have seen government grow like a weed and spending is way out of control. On top of which, the largest entitlement program ever conceived came right out of his administration, and is the seven hundred and fifty billion dollar bailout bill. So like I said plenty of blame to go around.

Well that is all I have to rant about for today and I'm sorry it's not what you are usually used to reading from me, but I just got pissed off about it, and now your reading it. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you all next week, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Good good good......

October 17, 2008 at 7:51 PM  

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