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Welcome back to Simple Man Politics today my friends. I know I have not been doing much with this blog in the last couple of weeks, but that is about to change. However I will promise you that I am going to make this post short and sweet, because the person I want to discuss today is Pilocchio. (Pelosi)

It seems that this past Friday Nancy (Pilocchio) Pelosi went down to Houston to have an onstage interview done. The Progressive Forum that Pelosi addressed charged attendees anywhere from $19 up to $144 for the pleasure of hearing The Liar of the House and 3rd in line for the Obama throne.

Unfortunately for Pelosi and fortunately for the American people she didn’t make any headline news with her statements healthcare, energy, Afghanistan, and her autobiography. However it was very nice of her to attract the crowd of approximately 600 people who showed up outside the Wortham Center to protest against her.

The anti-Pelosi crowd that gathered outside of the Wortham Center was very boisterous, vocal, and angry with Pelosi and our current government. They heckled those who were attending the forum and would tell anyone from the media who would listen why they were there protesting.

The attendees also seemed to be having a good time with the protesters too. The continuously blew kisses, bowed, razzed, and in a couple of instances made obscene gestures at the protesters. It also appeared that none of the attendees were interested in engaging the protesters in any sort of debate,

Most of those that were protesting Pelosi appeared to very hardcore anti-Pelosi Tea Partiers. The video that I am including was even put together by the Houston Tea Party Society. It seemed that this Tea Party even had Wonder Woman in attendance.

While I applaud the protesters efforts I think that their message fell on the deaf ears of those listening to the lies being told inside. I hope you all have a great day, and I will see you later, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Great post. I love the picture too. There is definitely no doubt that Pelosi is a liar. You'd think the silly Californians would be sick of her and vote her out of office...

June 15, 2009 at 11:06 PM  

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